const maxd=31; maxn1=30233333; maxn2=322333; number=233333; mm=1048576; var son:array[0..maxn1,0..1]of longint; sum,pp:array[0..maxn1]of longint; size,root,left,right,p1,p2,value,fi,se,key:array[0..maxn2]of longint; tot,tot1,tot2,sum1,sum2,n,m,sroot,big1,big2:longint; function new1:longint;begin inc(tot); exit(tot);end; function new2:longint;var i:longint;begin if sum1>0 then begin i:=pp[sum1]; dec(sum1); sum[i]:=0; son[i][0]:=0; son[i][1]:=0; exit(i); end; inc(sum2); exit(sum2);end; procedure clear(x:longint);begin if x=0 then exit; inc(sum1); pp[sum1]:=x; clear(son[x][0]); clear(son[x][1]);end; function max(x,y:longint):longint;begin if x>i and 1; if sum[son[x][j xor 1]]>0 then begin inc(ans,1< >i and 1; if son[t][j]=0 then son[t][j]:=new2; t:=son[t][j]; end;end; procedure del(var x:longint;h,y:longint);begin dec(sum[x]); if sum[x]=0 then begin clear(x); x:=0; exit; end; if h=-1 then exit; del(son[x][y>>h and 1],h-1,y);end; procedure calc(var x,y:longint;z:longint);begin if z>y then begin if z>x then begin y:=x; x:=z; end else y:=z; end;end; procedure merge(var x:longint;ll,rr:longint);begin x:=new2; sum[x]:=sum[ll]+sum[rr]; if sum[son[ll][0]]+sum[son[rr][0]]>0 then merge(son[x][0],son[ll][0],son[rr][0]); if sum[son[ll][1]]+sum[son[rr][1]]>0 then merge(son[x][1],son[ll][1],son[rr][1]);end; procedure up(x:longint);begin if x=0 then exit; fi[x]:=fi[left[x]]; se[x]:=se[left[x]]; calc(fi[x],se[x],value[x]); calc(fi[x],se[x],fi[right[x]]); calc(fi[x],se[x],se[right[x]]); size[x]:=size[left[x]]+size[right[x]]+1;end; procedure update(x:longint);begin merge(root[x],root[left[x]],root[right[x]]); add(root[x],value[x]); up(x);end; procedure lt(var x:longint);var k:longint;begin k:=right[x]; right[x]:=left[k]; left[k]:=x; size[k]:=size[x]; fi[k]:=fi[x]; se[k]:=se[x]; clear(root[k]); root[k]:=root[x]; update(x); x:=k;end; procedure rt(var x:longint);var k:longint;begin k:=left[x]; left[x]:=right[k]; right[k]:=x; size[k]:=size[x]; fi[k]:=fi[x]; se[k]:=se[x]; clear(root[k]); root[k]:=root[x]; update(x); x:=k;end; procedure insert(var x:longint;y,z:longint);begin if x=0 then begin x:=new1; value[x]:=z; key[x]:=random(number); left[x]:=0; right[x]:=0; add(root[x],z); fi[x]:=z; se[x]:=0; size[x]:=1; exit; end; if y<=size[left[x]]+1 then begin insert(left[x],y,z); if key[left[x]]>key[x] then rt(x); end else begin insert(right[x],y-size[left[x]]-1,z); if key[right[x]]>key[x] then lt(x); end; add(root[x],z); inc(size[x]); calc(fi[x],se[x],z);end; function change(x,y,new:longint):longint;var old:longint;begin if y=size[left[x]]+1 then begin old:=value[x]; del(root[x],maxd,old); add(root[x],new); value[x]:=new; up(x); exit(old); end; if y<=size[left[x]] then old:=change(left[x],y,new) else old:=change(right[x],y-size[left[x]]-1,new); del(root[x],maxd,old); add(root[x],new); up(x); exit(old);end; function find(x,y:longint):longint;begin if y=size[left[x]]+1 then exit(value[x]); if y<=size[left[x]] then exit(find(left[x],y)) else exit(find(right[x],y-size[left[x]]-1));end; function delete(var x:longint;y:longint):longint;var old:longint;begin if y=size[left[x]]+1 then begin old:=value[x]; if left[x]=0 then x:=right[x] else if right[x]=0 then x:=left[x] else begin if key[left[x]]>key[right[x]] then begin rt(x); delete(right[x],y-size[left[x]]-1); end else begin lt(x); delete(left[x],y); end; del(root[x],maxd,old); end; up(x); exit(old); end; if y<=size[left[x]] then old:=delete(left[x],y) else old:=delete(right[x],y-size[left[x]]-1); del(root[x],maxd,old); up(x); exit(old);end; procedure before(x,l,r:longint);var lsum:longint;begin if x=0 then exit; lsum:=size[left[x]]+1; if r lsum then before(right[x],l-lsum,r-lsum) else if (l=1) and (r=size[x]) then begin inc(tot1); p1[tot1]:=x; calc(big1,big2,fi[x]); calc(big1,big2,se[x]); end else begin inc(tot2); p2[tot2]:=value[x]; calc(big1,big2,value[x]); if l lsum then before(right[x],1,r-lsum); end;end; function query(l,r:longint):longint;var ll,rr,mid,ans,i:longint;begin tot1:=0; tot2:=0; big1:=0; big2:=0; before(sroot,l,r); ans:=0; //writeln(big2); if big2=0 then exit(0); for i:=1 to tot1 do p1[i]:=root[p1[i]]; for i:=1 to tot1 do ans:=max(ans,ask(p1[i],big2)); for i:=1 to tot2 do ans:=max(ans,p2[i] xor big2); exit(ans);end; procedure into;var i,j:longint;begin //randomize; readln(n,m); tot:=0; sroot:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin read(j); insert(sroot,i,j); end;end; procedure work;var last,x,y:longint; ch:char;begin last:=0; readln; while m>0 do begin dec(m); read(ch); case ch of 'I':begin readln(x,y); //x:=x mod n+1; x:=(x+last mod n) mod n+1; y:=(y+last mod mm) mod mm; //writeln(x,' ',y); insert(sroot,x,y); inc(n); end; 'C':begin readln(x,y); //x:=x mod n+1; x:=(x+last mod n) mod n+1; y:=(y+last mod mm) mod mm; //writeln(x,' ',y); change(sroot,x,y); end; 'D':begin readln(x); //x:=x mod n+1; x:=(x+last mod n) mod n+1; //writeln(x); delete(sroot,x); dec(n); end; 'F':begin readln(x,y); //x:=x mod n+1; //y:=y mod n+1; x:=(x+last mod n) mod n+1; y:=(y+last mod n) mod n+1; if x>y then swap(x,y); //writeln(x,' ',y); last:=query(x,y); writeln(last); end; end; end;end; begin into; work;end.
procedure build(var x:longint;ll,rr:longint);var mid,i:longint;begin mid:=(ll+rr)>>1; x:=mid; value[x]:=num[mid]; key[x]:=random(number); left[x]:=0; right[x]:=0; if llkey[x] then swap(key[left[x]],key[x]); end; if rr>mid then begin build(right[x],mid+1,rr); if key[right[x]]>key[x] then swap(key[right[x]],key[x]); end; update(x)end;